Orthodox & Oriental Churches

Showing 1-74 of 117 items.

Троицкий Православный Русский Календарь на 2020 г.

2020 Holy Trinity Orthodox Russian Calendar (Russian-language)

Now 50% off, only at our direct outlet, HTP Bookstore!


This liturgical guide offers detailed rubrics for every Sunday and major feast of the year, as well as certain lesser feasts and lenten days. This year's calendar also incorporates for the first time the annual directory of Hierarchs, Clergy, and Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

  • Out of printSpiral bound9780884654315440 pages

2022 Holy Trinity Orthodox Russian Calendar (Russian-language)

Троицкий Православный Русский Календарь на 2022 г.

This liturgical guide offers detailed rubrics for every Sunday and major feast of the year, as well as certain lesser feasts and lenten days. The calendar also provides a list of commemorated saints and appointed scripture readings for each day of the year.

  • ForthcomingSpiral bound9780884654797368 pages

2023 Holy Trinity Orthodox Russian Calendar

Троицкий Православный Русский Календарь на 2023 г.

This liturgical guide offers detailed rubrics for every Sunday and major feast of the year, as well as certain lesser feasts and lenten days. The calendar also provides a list of commemorated saints and appointed scripture readings for each day of the year.

  • Out of printSpiral bound9780884654902360 pages

2024 Holy Trinity Orthodox Russian Calendar (Russian-language)

Троицкий Православный Русский Календарь на 2024г.

This liturgical guide offers detailed rubrics for every Sunday and major feast of the year, as well as certain lesser feasts and lenten days. The calendar also provides a list of commemorated saints and appointed scripture readings for each day of the year. Follows the Orthodox Church calendar, sometimes referred to as the Julian or Old Calendar.

  • Out of printSpiral bound9780884655046360 pages

2025 Holy Trinity Orthodox Russian Calendar (Russian-language)

Троицкий Православный Русский Календарь на 2025 г.

This liturgical guide offers detailed rubrics for every Sunday and major feast of the year, as well as certain lesser feasts and lenten days. The calendar also provides a list of commemorated saints and appointed scripture readings for each day of the year. Follows the Orthodox Church calendar, sometimes referred to as the Julian or Old Calendar.

  • AvailableSpiral bound9780884655084360 pages

Великий покаянный канон св. Андрея Критского

The full text in Church Slavonic of the liturgical service of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete as used during the first four days of Great Lent and on the Thursday of the Fifth week.

  • AvailablePaperback978088465169796 pages


A Series of Lectures on the Mystery of Repentance

This is a classic work of pastoral theology. Whilst written primarily as a manual for priests hearing confessions it is also of great value to all who struggle with the passions.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884650058112 pages

Journey to Heaven

Counsels on the Particular Duties of Every Christian

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk gives his counsel on living the Christian life. It touches many areas from "Love of God" to "The Way of Duty". The translator writes: "I have found this book to repay each reading with refreshment of spirit and a strengthened resolve to lead a Christian life."

  • AvailablePaperback9780884650461279 pages

Hieroschemamonk Feofil

Fool-for-Christ's-Sake. Ascetic and Visionary of the Kiev-Caves Lavra

Compiled by Vladimir Znosko

A life of this ascetic and visionary of the Kiev Caves Lavra. Considered by some to be the model for the character of the holy fool in the popular Russian film "Ostrov" (The Island).


This book is printed on demand and therefore, customers who are resellers will receive a lower (short) discount on this title.  


  • AvailablePaperback9780884650577134 pages


Courage To Be Different, Strength To Remain The Same

A forceful exhortation to Orthodox Christians to uphold the uniqueness of their traditions and not to be overly influenced by the surrounding Roman Catholic and/or Protestant religious cultures of Western countries.

  • Out of printPaperback9780884650683104 pages

Twelve Passion Gospels

During the Orthodox celebration of Holy Week, the Church relives the arrest, trial, sufferings, and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  On Matins of Holy Friday Christ's Parrion in all four Gospels is read aloud in church.  This book provides the English text for those twelve Passion Gospel readings.  

  • AvailablePaperback978088465076829 pages

How To Live A Holy Life

Beginning with an appeal to live a Christian life, the writer goes on to explain how we should conduct ourselves in happiness, misfortune, wealth, poverty, illness and so forth. All this is described as we are taken through a standard day from waking up in the morning until retiring to bed.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884650898150 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884653660150 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884653677150 pages

Service, Akathist, Life and Miracles of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Contains all the liturgical texts for the Feast day of St. Nicholas on December 6, together with an Akathist hymn in his honor and an extended prayer to him. A short life of the saint is also included followed by an account of some of the miracles worked through the prayers of the saint after his earthly repose.

  • AvailablePaperback978088465126096 pages

What God Has Done for Our Salvation

This edition offers a collection of chapters from his classic work "The Spiritual Exercises", translated into English from a Russian edition. Chapters include "On the Greatness of the Divine Eucharist.", "The Denial of Peter" and "Our Sins and Ingratitude Towards God."

  • AvailablePaperback978088465138395 pages

Four Great Saints: Four Great Fathers

Saint Paisius the Great,Saint Pachomius the Great, Saint Euthymius the Great, and Saint Theodosius

Translated by Leo Papadopulos

A translation from the "Great Synaxaristes" (Athens 1978) of four lives of great desert saints of the fourth and fifth centuries. The material presented on each saint is in sufficient depth to allow the reader to become more familiar with each of them.

  • Out of printPaperback9780884651390160 pages

Selected Essays of Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky

This is a collection of essays by one of the giants of the twentieth century Russian emigration. Subjects include biblical criticism, Sophianism, Toll-houses, serving in the Church, liturgical theology and much more.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884651451242 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884654759
  • AvailableKindle9780884654766

Грамматика Церковно-Славянскаго Языка

An invaluable tool for anyone seeking to learn the traditional liturgical language of the Slavic Orthodox churches.

  • AvailablePaperback9780317303131265 pages

Служба и Акафист Святителю Иоанну, Архиепископу Шанхайскому и Сан Францисскому

A service and Akathist to St. John, Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco. In Church Slavonic.


This book is printed on demand and therefore, customers who are resellers will receive a lower (short) discount on this title.  


  • AvailablePaperback978088465069062 pages

The Icon of the Nevskaya Mother of God

Quick to Hear

This small but expansive work is a window into churchly culture as the reader is drawn into the journey of the Mt. Athos Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear" to Russia in 1877. Through God's grace a new and distinct icon emerged, now recognized as the Nevskaya Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear." 

  • AvailablePaperback978088465185796 pages

Grammar of the Church Slavonic Language

By Alypy (Gamanovich) Translated by John Shaw

This is a comprehensive grammar of the Church Slavonic language, covering etymology, parts of speech, and syntax. This English edition was translated from the Russian and includes an explanation of grammatical points that would be taken for granted by a native Russian speaker.

This book is printed in small numbers and therefore, customers who are resellers will receive a lower (short) discount on this title.  

  • AvailablePaperback9780884650645438 pages

A Collection of Letters to Nuns

Profitable Instructions for Laymen and Monastics

Originally published in Russian in 1910, this volume is made up of 382 letters of spiritual counsel by the Optina Elder Hieroschemamonk Anatoly (Zertsalov) to nuns. Includes the life of St. Anatoly, a glossary, an index of topics, and a table of letters.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884650539308 pages

A Practical Handbook for Divine Services

This handbook will encourage the laity who desire to enter more fully into an understanding of the Church’s Typicon, the “rule” which governs how Divine worship is offered in the church, and to internalize the principles that underpin it.
It is an invaluable guide to all who seek “to celebrate a service in splendor.”  More Information  

  • AvailablePaperback9780884651918168 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884652038168 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884652335168 pages

Beacon of Hope

The Teaching of Fr. Ilarion

A wealth of spiritual instruction is to be found in this selection of teachings given by Fr. Ilarion between 1966 and 2008. The sermons are based on specific feast days and commemorations in the Church year. Regarding the need for spiritual food Fr. Ilarion said, "We must never lose our taste for it; rather, for us it must be the sweetness, the joy, and the warmth of the Holy Spirit.” More Information

  • Out of printPaperback9780884651901240 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884652069240 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884652472240 pages

A Champion of Good

The Life of Father Ilarion

Psalm 111:6 reminds us that "in everlasting remembrance shall the Righteous be." This book celebrates this injunction in its vivid portrayal of a modern elder of the Russian Orthodox Church and monk of the Glinsk monastery.

  • Out of printPaperback9780884651895216 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884652076216 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884652304216 pages

Testament of Memory

A Siberian Life

“My children!  I am giving you these writings of mine describing my life as a testament that you may work harder for God than I worked for Him...”
This memoir of the Altai tribesman Mikhail Chelvalkov will enrapture the reader with its directness & beauty whilst also providing invaluable insights for students of Christian mission, ethnography, and geography. 

  • AvailablePaperback9780884651840168 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884652045168 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884652328168 pages

Light Invisible

Satisfying the Thirst for Happiness

In this classic early twentieth century text a little known Russian philosopher and theologian addresses the question of how one obtains happiness, peace and joy; and offers answers rooted in the tradition of the Orthodox Christian East and the lives of its sainted Christian men and women.  More Information.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884651871280 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884651994280 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884652311280 pages

Руководство к изучению священного Писания Ветхого Завета. Часть I-я. Пятокнижие Моисеева

Пятокнижие Моисеево. Учебник для семинарии. Объяснение всех первых пяти книг Библии, с подробным разбором пророческих мест. 

This book is printed on demand and therefore, customers who are resellers will receive a lower (short) discount on this title.  This title is a scanned reprint of the original publication. 

  • Out of printPaperback9780884652014223 pages

Eternal Mysteries Beyond the Grave

Death is perhaps one of the least discussed and frequently concealed realities of life in contemporary Western societies. Here, the late founder of Holy Trinity Monastery lays bare the truth of the matter, as preserved within the teachings of the Orthodox Church.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884652120368 pages

The Arena

Guidelines for Spiritual and Monastic Life

This is one of the most important and accessible texts of Orthodox Christian teaching on the spiritual life.  Click here for further details....

  • AvailablePaperback9780884652878311 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884652885310 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884652892310 pages

Herman A Wilderness Saint

From Sarov, Russia to Kodiak, Alaska

The memory of St Herman, canonized in 1970, has spread well beyond Alaska. This new work brings to light primary sources that illuminate the story of St Herman and the wider context of the history of Russian colonization in the Pacific northwest. Click here for more details.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884651925264 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884652052257 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884653042257 pages

Руководство к изучению Священнаго Писания Новаго Завета. Часть I: Четвероевангелие

This classic textbook contains sober, patristic explanations of every event in the four Christian Gospels in a harmonized chronology. Based on the teachings and tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church, this book has become a standard text for study of the New Testament in Holy Trinity Seminary.

  • AvailablePaperback9780317292992352 pages

Indication of the Way into the Kingdom of Heaven

An Introduction to Christian Life

This introduction to what it means to be a Christian appeals both to the heart and mind of its readers. St. Innocent's timeless and universal words have been in print continually for nearly 180 years, including 60 in English. This new edition includes "Points for Reflection" that can be used both by an individual reader and for a group study.

  • AvailablePaperback978088465303596 pages
  • AvailableEPUB978088465003496 pages
  • AvailableKindle978088465305996 pages

Elder Zenobius

A Life in Spiritual Continuity with Pre-revolutionary Russia

The life of a twentieth century spiritual elder based on the recollections of many contemporary figures who knew him, including Patriarch Ilia of Georgia and Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Volokolamsk.

Elder Zenobius was a spiritual son of the last elders of the pre-revolutionary Glinsk Hermitage, who suffered in the Soviet camps and lived as a simple monk, before becoming a metropolitan in the Georgian Orthodox Church.  His life is a witness to the continuance of God’s Grace in His Church amidst the upheavals and sufferings of the twentieth century. More information.


  • Out of printPaperback9780884653318120 pages

The Making of Holy Russia

The Orthodox Church and Russian Nationalism before the Revolution

Grounded in original research, this study is intended to reveal the wider relevance of its topic to an ongoing discussion of the relationship between national or ethnic identities on the one hand and the self-understanding of Orthodox Christianity as a universal and transformative Faith on the other.

  • Out of printPaperback9780884653295339 pages
  • AvailablePaperback9781942699279356 pages
  • Out of printHardback9780884653462339 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884653479339 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884653486339 pages

Meditations on the Divine Liturgy

of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church

Nikolai Gogol was one of the most prominent Russian writers of the 19th century. He was also a deeply religious man, who dedicated one of his last works to the Divine Liturgy of the Orthodox Church. This book provides a commentary on the Divine Liturgy, which is at the same time both mystical and practical. Drawing from the early Church Fathers and his own experience, Gogol explains the sublime mystery of the Liturgy. 

  • AvailablePaperback9780884653431128 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884653622128 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884653639128 pages

Recollections of Jerusalem

Anya Derrick’s life has been intimately connected to the earthly city of Jerusalem in Palestine where she was raised in the spirit of Holy Russia, as manifested in the life of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission, the Mount of Olives and Gethsemane convents, as well as the Bethany School. These recollections also offer a window into the struggles and aspirations of the Russian diaspora after the Communist takeover of the ancestral homeland. It shows how events such as the Russian revolution, its aftermath, and the Arab–Israeli conflict have shaped present realities.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884653592232 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884652748232 pages
  • Currently not availableKindle9780884653806232 pages

The Struggle for Virtue

Asceticism in a Modern Secular Society

Archbishop Averky addresses head on the question, “What is asceticism?”  He counters the many false understandings that exist and shows that the practice of authentic asceticism is integral to the spiritual life and the path to blessed communion with God.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884653738194 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884653745194 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884653752194 pages

Embassy, Emigrants, and Englishmen

The Three Hundred Year History of a Russian Orthodox Church in London

A fascinating look at the Russian Orthodox Church abroad through the lens of one imperial embassy church turned self-supporting parish. This history offers perspectives on modern English and European history from the vantage point of a little known minority community, supported by translations of primary sources not found anywhere else.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884653363755 pages
  • AvailableHardback9780884653813755 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884653820755 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884653837755 pages

Season of Repentance

Lenten Homilies of Saint John of Kronstadt

For the first time a selection of St John's Lenten sermons is presented in English translation. They follow the thematic structure of the Lenten season in the Orthodox Church, from the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee through to Great and Holy Friday. A sermon for St Thomas Sunday, that follows Holy Pascha, is offered as an Epilogue.

To order the Kindle edition click here.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884653844230 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884653936218 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884653943218 pages

Holy Trinity Monastery

Jordanville, NY

The spiritual center of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad comes alive in this short booklet featuring approx. 150 full-color images spanning the 87-year history of Holy Trinity Monastery. 

  • Out of printPaperback978088465459932 pages

Restoring the Inner Heart

The Nous in Dostoevsky's Ridiculous Man

Dostoevsky’s short story The Dream of a Ridiculous Man tells of a transformation of the heart and a journey from despair to joy: a joy that can be known by all through the experience of God that transcends a simply rational discourse.

  • AvailablePaperback9781942699125160 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9781942699224160 pages

How Our Departed Ones Live

The Experience of the Orthodox Church

By Monk Mitrophan Translated by John Shaw

While many are now abandoning traditional religious practice, none the less, the reality of death and questions regarding the afterlife remain at the forefront of spiritual consciousness. How Our Departed Ones Live is the answer to those who seek the truth as expressed through the experience of the Orthodox Church.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884654018395 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884654025395 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884654032395 pages

The Field

Cultivating Salvation

Are we willing to respond to the challenge of a life lived in accordance with the Christian Gospel? St Ignatius' writing is the Christian tradition at its deepest, intensely practical but also transcendent and mystical. For further details click here.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884653769374 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884654513374 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884654537374 pages

Striving Toward God

Spiritual Advice for Daily Living

Abbess Arsenia’s counsels are steeped in Holy Scripture and in the inspiration that she draws from the services of the Orthodox Church. Throughout, she emphasizes the need to humble oneself, discern the will of God, and fulfill it through every moment of our life.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884653974110 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884654131110 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884654148110 pages

The Wonderworking Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God

Coloring Book

The grace of God is manifested in the wonders of nature that surrounds us. This is apparent both in the beauty of the natural world and in the everyday blessings in our lives. Yet history is filled with instances of supernatural grace, or miracles. Such was the appearance of the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God found by a hunter in a forest near the Tuscary river. The text that accompanies this coloring book recounts the history of the icon, miracles associated with it -- including the healing of St Seraphim of Sarov, and the hymns associated with its feastday in the Orthodox Christian Church.

The artwork includes lavish borders in an old Russian style that together with the illustrations will be a joy to color. Together with the text they will make an excellent gift or school room resource.

  • AvailablePaperback978088465450632 pages

Ordinary Wonders

Stories of Unexpected Grace

In a manner reminiscent of the bestselling "Everyday Saints" these tales by renowned author Olesia Nikolaeva eveal a common theme - the subtle, sometimes imperceptible movement of Divine Providence at work in the lives of saints and sinners alike.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884654230320 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884654667320 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884654674320 pages

The Sunflower

Conforming the Will of Man to the Will of God

Saint John addresses fundamental questions: Why should we care about God’s will ? What are the benefits in following His will? How do we avoid common obstacles to living in accordance with His will? The reader will find practical and eternal wisdom running through these writings that discuss the perennial questions of why a good God permits evil. This is the first English edition of St John’s text, edited and abbreviated for the contemporary reader.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884654605352 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884654698352 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884654704352 pages

The New Media Epidemic

The Undermining of Society, Family, and Our Own Soul

Philosopher and patrologist Dr Jean-Claude Larchet, renowned for his examinations of patristic writings on the causes and consequences of spiritual and physical illness, here tackles the pressing question of the societal and personal effects of our societal use of new media. It concludes with a discussion of the ways individuals might limit and counteract the most deleterious of these.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884654711200 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884654278200 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884654285200 pages

Conversations With My Heart

Contemplations on God and the World

Metropolitan Anastasy offers here the groanings of his heart and musings on the eternal mercy of God, which he writes “are part of my very essence.” They draw upon wisdom from sources as diverse as writers of classical antiquity, authors, composers and inventors of the age of enlightenment, offering unique perspectives on these.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884654728176 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884654254176 pages

A Practical Handbook for Priestly Ministry

This book is a guide for the contemporary Orthodox priest in his application of the Apostle’s words to his everyday life, as he serves to convey God’s grace as a shepherd of Christ’s flock.

  • AvailablePaperback9781942699248240 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9781942699255240 pages
  • AvailableKindle9781942699262240 pages

Prayer Book and Psalms

Pocket Edition

Translated by David James Compiled by Holy Trinity Monastery

From the publisher of the “Jordanville Prayer Book” and “A Psalter for Prayer” comes the perfect devotional companion for travel and everyday life. This truly pocket edition brings together prayers for use throughout the day with all one hundred fifty Psalms of David adapted from the classic Miles Coverdale translation. Designed with convenience and affordability in mind to encourage all Christians to “pray without ceasing.”

  • AvailablePaperback9780884653448416 pages

The Refuge

Anchoring the Soul in God

The third in an ongoing series of publications translating the complete works of Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) into English, The Refuge is an exposition of the concrete actions we should take if we truly desire to live with and in God. It is an active exhortation for us to reacquire the original nobility with which God fashioned us.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884654292448 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884654322448 pages

A Psalter for Prayer

An Adaptation of the Classic Miles Coverdale Translation

Edited and translated by David James

This slimmed down pocket edition of the classic Coverdale translation is designed to inspire daily use in prayer at home and when traveling. The text is complimented by a flexible textured binding, gold stamped cover, and three marker ribbons.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884654186368 pages

Harbor for Our Hope

On Acquiring Peace Amidst Suffering

St Ignatius Brianchaninov (1807-1867) struggled with chronic illness and disability through most of his adult life. Thus his own life experience disposed him to reflect on the meaning of suffering and how through it we might find “a harbor for our hope.” His letters, excerpted and organized here thematically, will equally benefit all who suffer.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884654223200 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884654391
  • AvailableKindle9780884654407

The Great Canon: The Work of Saint Andrew of Crete

Compiled by Holy Trinity Monastery Translated by Kallistos (Ware)

This second edition replaces ISBN: 9780884651192.  It uses the traditional English translation of Kallsitos Ware and Motehr Mary. It is theclassic canon of repentance, chanted in during Lent and includes the Life of Mary of Egypt.

  • AvailablePaperback978088465452096 pages
  • UnspecifiedEPUB9780884654247
  • Currently not availableKindle9780884654582

Healing Humanity

Confronting Our Moral Crisis

This volume gathers responses of a wide array of Orthodox Christian scholars and writers to the moral crisis our world faces. Collectively, the authors remind us that it is only through our participation in the life of Christ that we can find the healing of our humanity through the restoration of His image in us.

  • AvailablePaperback9781942699293207 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9781942699316192 pages
  • AvailableKindle9781942699323192 pages

Living According to God’s Will

Principles for the Christian Journey

In this short but incisive treatise, formerly published as On the Law of God, the reader is guided on a spiritual journey that begins with the awakening of conscience and the realization of the presence of both sin and virtue in the world, culminating in a union with God: that is “a living, personal relationship with the one we love.”

  • AvailablePaperback9780884654438176 pages

Russian Monks on Mount Athos

The Thousand Year History of St Panteleimon's

This is the first detailed history of the Russian presence on the Holy Mountain of Athos that traces it back over one thousand years. It will be invaluable to both historians and the general educated reader. The text is complemented by a timeline, glossary, comprehensive bibliography, index, full-color illustrations and photographs.

  • AvailablePaperback9781942699309280 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9781942699422

Orthodoxy and Islam in the Middle East

The Seventh to the Sixteenth Centuries

In this short but in depth survey, Constantin Panchenko offers a nuanced portrayal that opens up fresh vistas of understanding of the VII-XVI centuries focusing on the impact that the coming of Islam had on the Orthodox Christian communities of the Middle East and in particular the interplay of their Greek cultural heritage and experience of increasing Arabization.

  • AvailablePaperback9781942699330216 pages
  • UnspecifiedEPUB9781942699354

Life after Death According to the Orthodox Tradition

An accessible and well organized synthesis of the ancient Christian understanding of death and the afterlife. Drawing primary from the Greek language writings of the Fathers it does not neglect the Latin sources. It will benefit all who desire to understand the classical Christian teaching of what lies beyond our temporal life.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884654773290 pages
  • UnspecifiedEPUB9780884654834

The History of the Russian Church in Australia

From Siberia to Sydney

The history of the Russian Orthodox Church in Australia is diligently chronicled within the context of a modern culturally diverse society, drawing on extensive archival sources and the author's own life experience. First published in 2006 this new edition includes a substantive new chapter recounting the ongoing story from 2000 through to the end of 2020.

  • AvailablePaperback9781942699347536 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9781942699460
  • AvailableKindle9781942699477

William Palmer

The Oxford Movement and a Quest for Orthodoxy

A fascinating account of a failed "journey to Orthodoxy" within the context of the nineteenth century Oxford Movement of the Anglican Church. It recounts the story of William Palmer, a member of that movement, and details in particular his two trips to Russia in the 1840s and his meeting and correspondence with the great lay theologian Khomiakoff. 

  • AvailablePaperback9781942699378384 pages

The Ecclesial Crisis in Ukraine

and its Solution According to the Sacred Canons


Essential reading for all Orthodox believers to understand what the Ukrainian crisis means for the future of their Church. It will also assist others to see beyond the characterization of the crisis as a political event in relations between Russia and the West. Simply put, this is a crisis of Orthodox ecclesiology requiring a conciliar solution. 

  • AvailablePaperback9781942699415152 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9781942699446152 pages
  • AvailableKindle9781942699453152 pages

A Gathering of Spiritual Riches

Drawing upon numerous examples from daily life and human relationships, St Tikhon weaves together wisdom on how to live a life pleasing to God. In a world that typically only values material goods his writing constantly reminds the reader of that which is of true value — the knowledge and love of God.

  • ForthcomingPaperback9780884654827536 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884654940

The Spiritual Roots of the Ecological Crisis

In this text, noted theologian and scholar Jean-Claude Larchet finds the roots of the global ecological crisis in a rejection of a truly Christian cosmology and proposes principles and actions deeply rooted in his Christian ethos that would allow mankind to restore and reinvigorate its relationship with nature.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884654810136 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884654865

She Who Loved Much

The Sinful Woman in St Ephrem the Syrian and the Orthodox Tradition

This sharply honed and well-constructed work will engage all who encounter the story of the sinful woman (Lk. 7: 36-50) with the living tradition of worship and scriptural interpretation in the Orthodox Church.

  • ForthcomingPaperback9781942699408224 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9781942699484

The Order of Small Compline and Evening Prayers

The service of Compline is the last liturgical hour of the day and seeks God's forgiveness for our sins during the past day and blessing for the coming night. Following the usage of Holy Trinity Monastery (Jordanville, NY), the present booklet incorporates prayers before sleep from the Jordanville Prayer Book.

  • ForthcomingPaperback978088465487264 pages

The Threshold

Trials at the Crossroads of Eternity

In this third volume of St Ignatius’s collected works, published here in English for the first time, the saint examines the mystical boundaries that govern the life of a Christian: the one, between life and death; and the other, between the visible, physical realm and the invisible to most, but no less real, spiritual realm. 

  • AvailablePaperback9780884654933296 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884655022

Christian Orthodox Political Philosophy

A Theological Approach

This modest work is grounded in the mission of the Church in the present world, both on an understanding of God as Trinity and in her mission to baptize diverse cultures. These specific proposals serve as a springboard for further dialogue as the Orthodox world seeks to apply these principles in all nations and political circumstances.

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A Manual of the Orthodox Church's Divine Services

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What Is Theology?

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Tsarist Russia in Greater Syria

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