Holy Trinity Monastery

Holy Trinity Monastery

Jordanville, NY

Category: History
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Paperback, 32 pages
Jun 1, 2017
Out of print
8 in x 10 in
Printshop of St Job of Pochaev
Holy Trinity Publications

— About the Book —

The spiritual center of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad comes alive in this short booklet featuring approx. 150 full-color images spanning the 87-year existance of Holy Trinity Monastery. Also included are short histories of the monastery, the St Job of Pochaev Brotherhood, and Holy Trinity Seminary. Finally, the present-day prayer life and obediences of the monks are featured. This is the perfect gift for pilgrims and those who wish to visit but can't.

— Contents —

Abbots of Holy Trinity Monastery


A Brief History of Holy Trinity Monastery


Daily Life at Holy Trinity Monastery


Church Life at Holy Trinity Monastery


Holy Trinity Seminary 

Under the Grace-filled Protection of Holy Trinity Monastery


Obediences at Holy Trinity Monastery


Holy Trinity Cemetery


The Day Ends with Prayer

— More from the Author —
The Divine Liturgy of Our Father Among the Saints John Chrysostom
The Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts of Our Father Among the Saints Gregory the Dialogist
The Order of the Moleben and the Panikhida
The Divine Liturgy of Our Father Among the Saints Basil the Great