News & Events

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Showing 13-18 of 57 items.
HTP @ AAR/SBL Annual Meetings

HTP @ AAR/SBL Annual Meetings

For the first time, Holy Trinity Publications will exhibit our books at the annual meetings of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature. The 2022 meetings will take place at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, CO. We look forward to meeting attendees at Booth 922 in the exhibit hall!

Date: Monday 14 November 2022
HTP displays books at 20th All-American Council

HTP displays books at 20th All-American Council

From July 17 – 22, Holy Trinity Publications displayed its newest and most popular titles at the 20th All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America, held this year in Baltimore, MD. Among the books offered was a forthcoming title, She Who Loved Much: The Sinful Woman in St Ephrem the Syrian and the Orthodox Tradition. The book's author is the Rev. Kevin J. Kalish, a priest of the OCA's Diocese of New England.

Date: Sunday 17 July 2022
Открылся сайт журнала «Православная Русь»

Открылся сайт журнала «Православная Русь»

Старейшее православное переодическое издание в русской эмиграции «Православная Русь» теперь доступно для широкого круга читателей на новом сайте.
Журнал, следуя своим давним традициям, будет издавать все статьи по старой орфографии, а в то же время по новой, чтобы легче находить их в интернете.
Мы будем продолжать освящать жизнь православных приходов Русского Зарубежья, публиковать архивные документы из истории Русской Зарубежной Церкви, нести Слово Божие проповеднического наследия ее пастырей, и знакомить читателей с историей Свято-Троицкого монастыря в Джорданвилле.
Мы будем рады отзывам наших читателей о размещаемых публикациях на нашем сайте.
Добро пожаловать!
Редакция журнала «Православная Русь»
The New "Pravoslavnaya Rus" Website Has Been Launched!
The oldest Orthodox periodical in the Russian emigration, "Pravoslavnaya Rus", is now available to a wide range of readers on its own new website.
The magazine / journal, following its long-standing tradition, will continue to publish all articles in Russian old orthography. However, now we have the opportunity to also publish all our content in parallel in modern Russian orthography, so that it will be easier to find on the Internet for contemporary readers and researchers.
We will continue focusing on the life of Orthodox parishes of the Russian Diaspora, publishing archival documents from the history of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and sermons of leading pastors of our church past and present, and acquainting readers with the history of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville.
We welcome any feedback from our readers about the content posted on our website. We look forward to hearing from you!
Editorial Staff of "Pravoslavnaya Rus"
Date: Tuesday 7 June 2022
ERRATUM: The Divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great [UPDATED]

ERRATUM: The Divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great [UPDATED]

An omission of several words in the Church Slavonic text of the priestly prayer at the Epiclesis has been brought to our attention.


On p. 184, the text of the priest's prayer reads:


Сего ради, владыко пресвятый, и мы грешнiй, и недостойнiи раби твои, сподобльшiйся служити святому твоему жертвеннику, не ради милости твоея и щедрот твоихъ....


This text omits a key phrase, thereby reversing the meaning of the sentеnce. It also includes typographical errors in the words грешнiи and сподобльшiися. The correct text should read:


Сего ради, владыко пресвятый, и мы грешнiи, и недостойнiи раби твои, сподобльшiися служити святому твоему жертвеннику, не ради правдъ нашихъ, не бо сотворихомъ что благо на земли, но ради милости твоея и щедрот твоихъ....


We have prepared a sticker that can be placed over the page in question to correct the text. These will be mailed on demand to all customers upon request. Please write to our sales department to request replacement stickers for the page containing these errors. As an alternative, a PDF is available here that can be printed, trimmed, and taped or pasted into the book to replace the errant text.


We are working to correct remaining stock and resume sales of the book as quickly as possible.

  • The Divine Liturgy of Our Father Among the Saints Basil the Great
Date: Friday 27 May 2022
Spring Sale: Discounts up to 50%

Spring Sale: Discounts up to 50%

We’re bringing back our popular tiered discounts through the end of May!

  • Order any item in the Spring Sale, get 10% off

  • Any 2 items, 20% off

  • Any 3 items, 30% off

  • Any 4 items, 40% off

  • Any 5 or more items, 50% off!

Please note: The Spring Sale cannot be combined with wholesale, clergy, or monastic discounts. If your customer account is marked as one of these types, please log out and browse the sale as a "guest" in order to access the discounts.

  • Living According to God’s Will
Date: Friday 27 May 2022 - Tuesday 31 May 2022
Metropolitan +HILARION falls asleep in the Lord

Metropolitan +HILARION falls asleep in the Lord

His Eminence +HILARION, Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, reposed in the Lord on May 3/16, 2022 following a protracted illness. Our books have been published with his imprimatur since his election as primate of ROCOR in 2008.

A short biography and part one of a 2010 interview with His Eminence are available at Orthodox Life. The concluding portion of the interview will be published in the coming days.

The newly-reposed Metropolitan Hilarion will be laid to rest in the brotherhood cemetery of Holy Trinity Monastery on Sunday, May 9/22. Memory Eternal to this humble, loving archpastor in Christ!

Date: Monday 16 May 2022