
ERRATUM: The Divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great [UPDATED]

Posted: Friday, May 27, 2022
We are working to correct existing stock of the book and making them available again. Replacement pages are also now available on demand to all customers.

An omission of several words in the Church Slavonic text of the priestly prayer at the Epiclesis has been brought to our attention.


On p. 184, the text of the priest's prayer reads:


Сего ради, владыко пресвятый, и мы грешнiй, и недостойнiи раби твои, сподобльшiйся служити святому твоему жертвеннику, не ради милости твоея и щедрот твоихъ....


This text omits a key phrase, thereby reversing the meaning of the sentеnce. It also includes typographical errors in the words грешнiи and сподобльшiися. The correct text should read:


Сего ради, владыко пресвятый, и мы грешнiи, и недостойнiи раби твои, сподобльшiися служити святому твоему жертвеннику, не ради правдъ нашихъ, не бо сотворихомъ что благо на земли, но ради милости твоея и щедрот твоихъ....


We have prepared a sticker that can be placed over the page in question to correct the text. These will be mailed on demand to all customers upon request. Please write to our sales department to request replacement stickers for the page containing these errors. As an alternative, a PDF is available here that can be printed, trimmed, and taped or pasted into the book to replace the errant text.


We are working to correct remaining stock and resume sales of the book as quickly as possible.

  • The Divine Liturgy of Our Father Among the Saints Basil the Great
Posted by Dcn. Peter