Showing 85-98 of 103 items.

The Threshold

Trials at the Crossroads of Eternity

In this third volume of St Ignatius’s collected works, published here in English for the first time, the saint examines the mystical boundaries that govern the life of a Christian: the one, between life and death; and the other, between the visible, physical realm and the invisible to most, but no less real, spiritual realm. 

  • AvailablePaperback9780884654933296 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884655022

Twelve Passion Gospels

During the Orthodox celebration of Holy Week, the Church relives the arrest, trial, sufferings, and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  On Matins of Holy Friday Christ's Parrion in all four Gospels is read aloud in church.  This book provides the English text for those twelve Passion Gospel readings.  

  • AvailablePaperback978088465076829 pages

The Unabbreviated Horologion or Book of the Hours

One of the most important service books of the Orthodox Church. In traditional English using the Psalter as translated by Holy Transfiguration Monastery. This book has the fixed texts for all the daily services of the Orthodox Church.

  • AvailableHardback9780884653714408 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884653127408 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884653134408 pages

What God Has Done for Our Salvation

This edition offers a collection of chapters from his classic work "The Spiritual Exercises", translated into English from a Russian edition. Chapters include "On the Greatness of the Divine Eucharist.", "The Denial of Peter" and "Our Sins and Ingratitude Towards God."

  • AvailablePaperback978088465138395 pages

The Wonderworking Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God

Coloring Book

The grace of God is manifested in the wonders of nature that surrounds us. This is apparent both in the beauty of the natural world and in the everyday blessings in our lives. Yet history is filled with instances of supernatural grace, or miracles. Such was the appearance of the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God found by a hunter in a forest near the Tuscary river. The text that accompanies this coloring book recounts the history of the icon, miracles associated with it -- including the healing of St Seraphim of Sarov, and the hymns associated with its feastday in the Orthodox Christian Church.

The artwork includes lavish borders in an old Russian style that together with the illustrations will be a joy to color. Together with the text they will make an excellent gift or school room resource.

  • AvailablePaperback978088465450632 pages

Богослужебное пение Русской Православной Церкви

Том I: Сущность, система и история

Изложение сущности, системы и ранней истории богослужебного пения Русской Православной Церкви. 

  • Out of printHardback9780884653981568 pages

Богослужебное пение Русской Православной Церкви

Том II: История

Является продолжением истории богослужебного пения Русской Церкви. Вторая эпоха охватывает 1652-1918 гг. Прибытие киевских певцов — начало распевов; введение партеса; борьба между старыми и новыми порядками; московская и петербургская традиции; печатание и значение богослужебных нотных книг; период итальянского светского влияния; искания новых путей гармонизации древне-русского пения; духовные композиторы и проч

  • AvailableHardback9780884653998604 pages

Великий покаянный канон св. Андрея Критского

The full text in Church Slavonic of the liturgical service of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete as used during the first four days of Great Lent and on the Thursday of the Fifth week.

  • AvailablePaperback978088465169796 pages

Грамматика Церковно-Славянскаго Языка

An invaluable tool for anyone seeking to learn the traditional liturgical language of the Slavic Orthodox churches.

  • AvailablePaperback9780317303131265 pages


A complete prayer book in the Slavonic language using Russian letters (old orthography).

  • AvailableHardback9780884654353414 pages
  • AvailableHardback9780884654377414 pages
  • AvailableHardback9780884654360414 pages
  • AvailableHardback9780884650935414 pages

Оптина пустынь и ее время

Книга И.М. Концевича была и остается одной из лучших работ об Оптиной Пустыни. В ней передан высокий дух Оптиной Пустыни и ее старцев, их благотворное влияние на русское общество, русскую мысль и русскую литературу.

This book is printed on demand and therefore, customers who are resellers will receive a lower (short) discount on this title.  

  • AvailableHardback9780884653912680 pages

Письма отца Серафима Роуза

Читая уникальные письма иеромонаха Серафима своим крестным родителям и духовным чадам, нашим глазам представляется живой образ ревностного христианина, ищущего ответы на самые сложные и тернистые вопросы современности в свете Истинны—Христа и его Церкви.

This book is printed on demand and therefore, customers who are resellers will receive a lower (short) discount on this title.  

  • Out of printHardback9780884653868320 pages


Эта книга содержит 46 страниц для поминовения живых и мертвых Православных Христиан. Также включены две молитвы на славянском языке - одна о живых а вторая о мертвых - и две иконы. По традиции, эта книга дается священнику с небольшим просфором до начала Литургии. Буклет отпечатан двумя красками.

  • AvailableOther book format978088465379056 pages

Правда об убийстве Царской семьи

Историко-критический очерк

историческо-критический очерк o “Екатеринбургском злодеянии”

This book is printed on demand and therefore, customers who are resellers will receive a lower (short) discount on this title.  

  • Out of printHardback9780884653905236 pages