Showing 99-103 of 103 items.

Руководство к изучению Священнаго Писания Новаго Завета. Часть I: Четвероевангелие

This classic textbook contains sober, patristic explanations of every event in the four Christian Gospels in a harmonized chronology. Based on the teachings and tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church, this book has become a standard text for study of the New Testament in Holy Trinity Seminary.

  • AvailablePaperback9780317292992352 pages

Руководство к изучению священного Писания Ветхого Завета. Часть I-я. Пятокнижие Моисеева

Пятокнижие Моисеево. Учебник для семинарии. Объяснение всех первых пяти книг Библии, с подробным разбором пророческих мест. 

This book is printed on demand and therefore, customers who are resellers will receive a lower (short) discount on this title.  This title is a scanned reprint of the original publication. 

  • Out of printPaperback9780884652014223 pages

Служба и Акафист Святителю Иоанну, Архиепископу Шанхайскому и Сан Францисскому

A service and Akathist to St. John, Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco. In Church Slavonic.


This book is printed on demand and therefore, customers who are resellers will receive a lower (short) discount on this title.  


  • AvailablePaperback978088465069062 pages

Спутник псаломщика

The Спутник Псаломщика is an "obikhod" or standard book of music. It is an indispensable reference for any kliros in the Russian Church. It contains melodies in square notation for the chanted portions of Vespers, Matins, and Divine Liturgy, as well as additional material from throughout the Church year. 


This book is printed on demand and therefore, customers who are resellers will receive a lower (short) discount on this title.  


  • AvailableHardback9780317303896664 pages

Троицкий Православный Русский Календарь на 2020 г.

2020 Holy Trinity Orthodox Russian Calendar (Russian-language)

Now 50% off, only at our direct outlet, HTP Bookstore!


This liturgical guide offers detailed rubrics for every Sunday and major feast of the year, as well as certain lesser feasts and lenten days. This year's calendar also incorporates for the first time the annual directory of Hierarchs, Clergy, and Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

  • Out of printSpiral bound9780884654315440 pages