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— Featured Author —

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov (1807–1867) was a prolific author of Orthodox Christian ascetical works. Published toward the end of his life, his writings continued to grow in popularity long after his death. Along with his contemporary, St Theophan the Recluse, St Ignatius

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— Latest News —
Showing 25-26 of 44 items.

June Sale: Escalating Discounts up to 60%!

We’re bringing back our popular tiered discounts for 10 days only, through Friday, June 25th! Order any six items (mix & match) and get 60% off! Read more
Book :
  • Living According to God’s Will
June Sale: Escalating Discounts up to 60%!

Hierarchical endorsements received from around the world

Endorsements for our forthcoming publication have been received from hierarchs of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Churches of Serbia, Poland, and the Czech Lands & Slovakia. Read more
Book :
  • The Ecclesial Crisis in Ukraine
Hierarchical endorsements received from around the world