Showing 15-17 of 17 items.

The Icon of the Nevskaya Mother of God

Quick to Hear

This small but expansive work is a window into churchly culture as the reader is drawn into the journey of the Mt. Athos Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear" to Russia in 1877. Through God's grace a new and distinct icon emerged, now recognized as the Nevskaya Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear." 

  • AvailablePaperback978088465185796 pages

The Martha - Mary Convent

and the Rule of St. Elizabeth the New Martyr

This short work sets forth in the Grand Duchess's own words her vision for monastic life in inner city early twentieth century Moscow. Of interest to all who have a concern for the poor and outcasts of society. Well illustrated with black and white photos.

  • AvailablePamphlet978088465045454 pages

The Russian Orthodox Church Abroad

A Short History

This book offers both a brief history (up to 1996) and an explanation of the position of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. It also includes a life of St. John Maximovitch and a list of key dates in the Church's life.

  • AvailablePamphlet978088465125362 pages