The Russian Orthodox Church Abroad

The Russian Orthodox Church Abroad

A Short History

Category: History
  • AvailablePamphlet978088465125362 pages: USD 5.95 / GBP 5.99 Add to basket
Pamphlet, 62 pages
Jan 1, 1997
7.75 in x 4.75 in
3 grams

— About the Book —

This book offers both a brief history and an explanation of the position of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. It also includes a life of St. John Maximovitch and a list of key dates in the Church's life. The book has four parts: A life of St. John Maximovitch, his brief history of the Russian Church Abroad up to the 1960's, followed by an update on the state of the Church in 1996 and a list of key dates. Well illustrated with black and white photos.

— Contents —

A Brief Life of Saint John, Wonder-worker of Shanghai and San Francisco

The Russian Church Abroad, A Short History of the ROCOR By Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco

The Sorrowful Path- the Glorious Path Important Dates in the History of the Russian Church Abroad