RELIGION / Christianity / Saints & Sainthood

Showing 1-7 of 7 items.

Alexander Schmorell: Saint of the German Resistance

The story of Saint Alexander of Munich, a young man executed by the Nazi government for his participation in the resistance group "White Rose". Alexander Schmorell, an ethnic Russian and devout Orthodox Christian, was recognized as a martyr and saint in 2012. 

  • AvailablePaperback9780884654216232 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884654568
  • AvailableKindle9780884654575

Four Great Saints: Four Great Fathers

Saint Paisius the Great,Saint Pachomius the Great, Saint Euthymius the Great, and Saint Theodosius

Translated by Leo Papadopulos

A translation from the "Great Synaxaristes" (Athens 1978) of four lives of great desert saints of the fourth and fifth centuries. The material presented on each saint is in sufficient depth to allow the reader to become more familiar with each of them.

  • Out of printPaperback9780884651390160 pages

Herman A Wilderness Saint

From Sarov, Russia to Kodiak, Alaska

The memory of St Herman, canonized in 1970, has spread well beyond Alaska. This new work brings to light primary sources that illuminate the story of St Herman and the wider context of the history of Russian colonization in the Pacific northwest. Click here for more details.

  • AvailablePaperback9780884651925264 pages
  • AvailableEPUB9780884652052257 pages
  • AvailableKindle9780884653042257 pages

The Icon of the Nevskaya Mother of God

Quick to Hear

This small but expansive work is a window into churchly culture as the reader is drawn into the journey of the Mt. Athos Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear" to Russia in 1877. Through God's grace a new and distinct icon emerged, now recognized as the Nevskaya Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear." 

  • AvailablePaperback978088465185796 pages

The Romanovs

Family of Faith and Charity

This book shares the story of the last Russian emperor and his family. Their life was not necessarily what one would expect;  there was much more than fancy clothes and delicious food. They shared happy memories but also great hardships. Today we know them as the Royal Martyrs. 

  • AvailableHardback978088465468156 pages

Оптина пустынь и ее время

Книга И.М. Концевича была и остается одной из лучших работ об Оптиной Пустыни. В ней передан высокий дух Оптиной Пустыни и ее старцев, их благотворное влияние на русское общество, русскую мысль и русскую литературу.

This book is printed on demand and therefore, customers who are resellers will receive a lower (short) discount on this title.  

  • AvailableHardback9780884653912680 pages

Служба и Акафист Святителю Иоанну, Архиепископу Шанхайскому и Сан Францисскому

A service and Akathist to St. John, Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco. In Church Slavonic.


This book is printed on demand and therefore, customers who are resellers will receive a lower (short) discount on this title.  


  • AvailablePaperback978088465069062 pages